Finished the Logo
Finished the Logo
First things first, I’m not a graphic designer by any means, but like anything else I’ve made, I did my best. My friend is making a series for Melty Blood: Type Lumina, his favorite game by far as of now. I’ve tried playing, but I’m not much into anime fighters. But he’s been getting a bunch of top placements in major tourneys, so shout outs to him!
He’s been brewing up a show with some other friends of his, calling it “Melty Core,” but the name isn’t finalized yet; but “MC” is in the cards. It’s staged to be sorta like a podcast for upcoming events and those brackets, potentially balance changes or new characters.
Sneak peek for those interested in my friend’s series, along with showing off my artwork (excitement):
You can find the show at my friend’s channel here: Watch on YouTube. It should be up by the end of the week.
That's all from me today!