I haven't showered since last year - wait what?

I've been wanting to post for a few days, but I've been mad busy - though not drawing yet. I've been wanting to make something for a while though. So what have I been working on? A while ago I posted about working on a translation project, and I've finally got around to making big progress on it. I got through chapter 1-5 in like a week, but currently need more translators to finish the rest. We also have some artists working on the project to make new textures in English.

Here's an example of how it looks.

Title screen in english Some English menus Random screenshot

Pretty cool huh? Hoping to get more translators soon, If you wanna see the overall progress, here's the link for it https://github.com/DOL-Translations/lupin-III

December Avatar

Link with Christmas hat

Since I'm waiting for more translations to be done, I'll be making an art or two soon, see you then.